Workshare program 2024

Our Workshare Program is an excellent way to experience the seasonal rhythm on the farm and receive a CSA Share in exchange. Running from June - November, this 4-hour weekly commitment gives members of the community the chance to work with a team, to participate in the daily tasks that are required to run our farm, and to get some quality time in the elements (rain, snow, and heat included!) We also rotate bringing a light lunch or snack!

Shifts: All Shifts Start the First Week of June and Run Through Mid-November

Tuesdays: CSA Harvest (harvest, wash, pack, harvest clean-up) 8 am-12 pm *FULL*

Thursdays: Field Maintenance (infrastructure, weeding, bed prep, planting, etc) 8 am - 12 pm *FULL*

Upcoming events

  • CSA Field Day - Spring

    5/26/2024 3:00-6:00PM

    CSA members are invited to the farm to hang out with the farmers and fellow members while tackling some field projects.

  • CSA Field Day - Summer

    7/28/2024 3:00-6:00PM

    CSA members are invited to the farm to hang out with the farmers and fellow members while tackling some field projects.

  • CSA Equinox Potluck

    9/22/2024 3:00-Sundown

    CSA members are invited to the farm for an Equinox Potluck. Please bring your own dishes, beverages, blankets, chairs, and of course, a dish to pass!