
A peppery leaf in the brassica family. It is grown to be eaten raw and makes a tasty salad and zesty addition to sandwiches and wraps. It pairs well with goat and Parmesan cheese. We often use it as a bed for roasted potatoes or beets. Arugula prefers cool weather and becomes spicier in warmer weather.

STORAGE: Store in a closed container or in a plastic bag in the fridge. Keeping the greens closed off from the dry air in the fridge can make them last for longer than a week.

PRESERVATION: To extend the harvest, make arugula pesto and freeze in glass jars.


Arugula Pesto

  • Bag of arugula

  • 1/4 c olive oil

  • 1/4 c finely grated parmesan cheese

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 1-2 cloves garlic

Blend all ingredients into a paste, adding oil gradually until it becomes creamy. Use as you would basil pesto.
