Cabbage is a really versatile crop that we love having around. It is great in slaws, sauteed, roasted whole, or fermented. Some varieties are sweet and tender, which are the ones we like to grow. Enjoying cabbage, in my opinion, comes down to how it is cut. For raw eating, we like it cut super thin, and in soups, a bigger chunk is really nice when it softens so it doesn’t become mushy.

STORAGE: Store in a closed container or in a plastic bag in the fridge. Cabbage can last for months if kept in an airtight container. If the outer leaves begin to yellow or get mushy, remove them to reveal fresh leaves. The inside will be perfectly healthy and safe to eat. We keep our cabbage for 4-5 months and continue to remove layers if they have expired.

PRESERVATION: Cabbage is the main ingredient in our ferments and its very simple to DIY.


Seasonal Slaw

  • Cabbage (cut or shredded into thin strips)

  • Bunching onions (chopped)

  • Radishes (shredded)

  • Cilantro (chopped roughly or finely, whichever you prefer)

  • 2-3 T mustard of your choice (the condiment, not the greens)

  • 2-3 T peanut butter or tahini

  • ¼ c rice vinegar

  • ½ cup yogurt (or mayonnaise)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

Shred all the veggies, sprinkle with salt, and let sit for a moment. The salt will help to soften the cabbage and create a little juice. Then add cilantro, mustard, peanut butter, rice vinegar, and yogurt and mix together. Mix with your hands and massage the cabbage as you go, allowing for an even distribution of the sauce.  Taste as you go to see if you need to add more salt. This is a really nice staple to always have in the fridge, and the ingredients are very interchangeable, depending on what's in season.  It’s great as a garnish or heaped in a bowl with an egg on top.


