Napa is a staple in many southeastern Asian dishes and is also the main ingredient in most of our ferments. It’s an awesome way to bulk up a stir fry or a slaw and has a mild flavor that pairs well with carrots, turnips, radishes, cilantro, and bok choy. We’ve learned over the years that our members prefer smaller heads because they are more manageable, so we’re trying new varieties to accommodate that preference.

STORAGE: Store in a closed container or in a plastic bag in the fridge. Napa cabbage can last for weeks if kept in an airtight container. If the outer leaves begin to yellow, remove them to reveal fresh leaves. Napa does not last as long as green cabbages.

PRESERVATION: Chop and freeze or ferment.


Simple Stir Fry

  • Napa cabbage (cut into thin strips)

  • Salad turnips and their greens! (quartered for cooking, save a few slices for a raw garnish)

  • Scallions (chopped)

  • Kohlrabi (peeled, greens and root removed, thinly sliced)

  • Bok Choy (cut into thin strips)

  • 2-4 T Cooking oil

  • 1-3 T rice vinegar

  • 1-3 T tamari or soy sauce

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Spices of your choice. Suggestion: ginger, turmeric, lemongrass

When you have all the ingredients cut, find a pan or pot with a lid (or wok if you have one) that will fit all of the veggies. Heat oil on medium-low. Add turnips and kohlrabi and a little salt to help soften them. Cover for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cabbage and bok choy and cover until they begin to wilt, stirring occasionally. Add the scallions, spices, vinegar, and soy sauce. Taste every couple minutes to determine when the texture is to your liking. This is great over a bed of rice or udon noodles. It also a great breakfast dish with an egg if you have the time! If you want to make it more hearty, you can add 2-3 T of peanut butter.

Seasonal Slaw

  • Napa cabbage (cut or shredded into thin strips)

  • Scallions (chopped)

  • Radishes (shredded)

  • Cilantro (chopped roughly or finely, whichever you prefer)

  • 2-3 T mustard of your choice (the condiment, not the greens)

  • 2-3 T peanut butter or tahini (optional)

  • ¼ c rice vinegar

  • ½ cup yogurt (or mayonnaise)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

Shred all the veggies, sprinkle with salt, and let sit for a moment. The salt will help to soften the cabbage and create a little juice. Then add cilantro, mustard, peanut butter, rice vinegar, and yogurt and mix together. Mixing with your hands and massaging the cabbage as you go allows for getting an even distribution of the sauce.  Taste as you go to see if you need to add more salt. This is a really nice staple to always have in the fridge, and the ingredients are very interchangeable, depending on what's in season.  It’s great as a garnish or heaped in a bowl with an egg on top.


